Weight Loss

3.7 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

3.7 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We don’t have a ton of plans – just dinner with friends and P has a basketball game. It’s rainy and chilly here, so I’m looking forward to crawling into the sauna blanket and watching a movie. Thank you so so much for all of your excitement about Healing Code. I’ve had discovery calls all week and have loved chatting with so many of you, learning more about your health goals, and so excited to work with many of you on feeling your absolute best. You can read more about it here. 

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the commens section below.

3.7 Friday Faves

Fashion + beauty + random:

This Amazon set. It’s super similar to my Spanx Air Essentials set. The fabric is a little thinner, but still soft and dreamy, and excellent quality for the price. They have a ton of colors, too!

I want this swimsuit. Does anyone have it?

Oliveda goodies! I was surprised this week with a hat and two shirts from the company. The products are so good and the company has been totally amazing. I was sad about the Beautycounter fallout, but genuinely believe everything happens for a reason, because it’s what led me to Oliveda. If you’re not sure what products to try first, all of my faves are here!

Got some of the professional pics back from Beefsteak! It was such a fun night.

Lumebox will be here TODAY and I’m so pumped to try it.

Read, watch, listen:

Adding this to my reading list for some nostalgic fluff.

If you missed the Oscars opening, here ya go!

Fitness, health, and good eats:

Made a baby meal this week! Even though the Pilot is retired, I’m still on the squadron email lists, so I’ll keep signing up for baby meals as long as they let me. 😉 This week, we brought rice (with mint and lemon zest), a salad with the best balsamic dressing, grape leaves, grilled chicken, homemade hummus, TJ’s tzakziki, falafel, pita, and a chocolate peanut butter tart. (<— I’ve also made this with coconut cream, kite hill cream cheese and GF Oreo’s and it.is.a.dream.)

Not a fave: these bars. The ingredients are fantastic but they tasted a bit on the sour/rancid side. If you’re looking for new bars, I highly recommend these, these, or these. 

Thrive Market haul. Makes life so much easier.

I’m calling it spring, which means you need to make this tart.

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today! Have an amazing weekend and I’ll see ya soon!



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